Saturday, December 15, 2007

More Sewing Room

As you can see, my sewing room used to be my "doggy room". Slowly but surely the dog stuff is moving into the rest of the house and the sewing stuff is taking over. There even used to be a bed in here! The two tubs in the bottom of the closet are filled with quilts for Christmas gifts. Yeah!


Bumpy said...

Wow, it's so clean. I didn't know sewing rooms came that way. I guess I still have "miles to go before I sew."

And to answer your question on my blog about where I live -- Holly Springs, MS. Are we close?

Suzanne H said...

No darn it! I'm in Southern Indiana across the river from Louisville Kentucky. I was kind of thinking maybe you lived somewhere I might "pass near" when visiting my Mom in Texas or sister in Illinois. Oh well. Maybe someday. If you're ever in this direction...!

My sewing room had a rough few months with my daughter sharing my space! It's finally tidy enough again that I feel like I can use it. I hate when I have to stop what I'm doing to look for something...

My girlfriend in Illinois has a sewing room that looks like yours. Not kidding! I can only stand in the middle and feel overwhelmed if she won't let me work on tidying it up.

Besides I have only been quilting for a year so haven't had the time to build all the stuff that you can't find a place to put away!