Thursday, December 27, 2007

What a relief!

Being a new quilter, I hadn't realized how difficult it would be to give up a quilt to someone and not be there when they opened their present to see their reaction. The first of four people just opened her quilt and called me. Thank goodness she really seemed to like it!

Not that I meant to make her cry but knowing that she did made me feel so much better about giving her one of my "babies".

Pam is my hardest sister-in-law for me to relate to. She's a wonderful and caring woman but we have never had a lot in common. Pam is also very vocal and assertive--another thing I'm not. I've always felt that she didn't really consider me part of the family--although she's been my SIL for 30 years...I guess we can't help the way we feel.

Anyway, if I can find the picture I took of her quilt ("Hard Candy") I'll post it on my blog.

I'm amazed too that I'm feeling this relief! One down, three to go...or maybe they've opened them but didn't like them so haven't called me because they don't know what to say?! Not a chance! Of course they'll like them!

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